Actually, it's never summer in San Francisco, which is why we poor pale clammy perpetually freezing wind-chapped wave-slapped energy-sapped people here have to dart voyeristically through other people's AMAZING sweet tea sipping takin' a dipping vintage swimsuit Flikr sets, such as the one uploaded by a person I adore despite never having known about them till yesterday: Miss Millie Motts.

I really love who I am, but if I could be someone else, I would definitely want to be called Millie Motts, live in the (Deep) South and drink mint juleps on some gigantic wrap-around porch dandruffed with white wicker furniture and other southern things...like beignets and possums all the live long day whilst saying things such as "dag nab","more anxious than a cat in a room full of rockers", and "magnolia viper."

That being said, I'm sure most of these ladies were photographed up north on the fancy pants beaches but I will take Louisiana over Nantucket any day, and the only way I can eat crawfish is in etouffee. So put that in your pipe.
Millie, thank you ever so much for posting these FAB photos! And thanks to Sweet Sassafras for the hot (ooh, how I love that word) tip.

Sweet Sassafras also had amazing pictures of japanese crochet that she found in a book which I now covet. Take a look-see:

Today's post will be kinda short, but for the last thing I just wanted to share some music resources. Sometimes you find yourself in a music rut, and pandora doesn't help cause it just plays stuff you already know you like. (Yeah, yeah, major key tonality, blah, blah...I want something NEW!! FRESH!!) So here are some sites I've been perusing today:
Nylon mag's music. This is how I found out Scarlett Johansson (Yet another great southern name...) is releasing a record. Hmmm. Commentary withheld.
Refinery 29's music reviews. Already found Bonnie "Prince" Billy who Refinery 29 says, is "exploring the darker side of folk music, delving into the gothic ballads of Appalachia and the English countryside." Whatever. Sounds like country to me. I like it.
And Esopus mag, which releases a themed CD along with every issue. Listen to clips of the current CD on their website.
Then, once you've found a bevy of great new sounds, go to Imeem and create a summer playlist! That's where I got mine there on the sidebar. Yay!

Do we know the incredibly hip Italian magazine Ottagono? For 7 Euros you can flip through your very own issue of glossy, gorgeous photos. (Preview coming soon, but I need some time to scan. :) And here's what I love: it is May 30th today, and nary a mention of June anywhere! The Italians and their Italian time. Love it.
Have a good weekend, all - and to all a good night!
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