I picked the below works of art by Evan B. Harris to start this post, because D and I met on Nantucket, home of Ahab, foe of Moby (And because D has major nautical proclivities).

Next, because D is majorly in love with all things French, some ethereal works created by digitally mixing paint and photography by Labakoff, from France.

Another French artist, Julien Pacaud who does interesting collage-y, surreal work.

And D loves shadow boxes, so here's some of Joseph Cornell's art (first 2 images), and some from Pica Pica, Liz Grotyohann's gorgeous site.

Some interesting book art from Jen Khoshbin.

And those of you who know about Tio Gallo will know exactly why Ryan Berkley's work found itself on this post.

505! Gotta support ABQ artists, so Ray Maseman's whimsical prints deserve a mention.

These next few photos come from a woman who makes clocks out of found objects. D also makes clocks out of found objects... :) (Paula Art)

Because D is very DIY, some furniture made out of recycled bikes.

And finally, D's seen these before but they are cool and remind me of D so voila! Awesome light sculptures from Bahdeebahdu!

Okay, that should do it! Enjoy, D! (And everyone else!) Hmmm...I wonder who will be next?...
*More nautical themes from Karen Preston. She includes poetry to describe each piece. Love it!

The rumble goes through her softly,
in her sleepy head she thinks rain.
A quiet rumble again,
peering out the window slat just a little bit
Eyes wide now but no eyes could take in all that gigantic softness
Her breath catches and they pass huge and gentle.
One looks her way she ducks when she looks again
they have gone.

(This one is entitled "Homesick." No poem)
**Some apropos bowls for D: Vespas and cameras from Circa Ceramics

***How much would D love this toilet graphic from Vital Industries?

****Some final thoughts for D:
SFgirlbybay explores Maison Reve, a French home decor store in Mill Valley, whose self-proclaimed raison d'etre is: "because some people dream in French." We all know D is definitely one of those people.
And D is such an optimist, I though I would include some aphorisms that illustrate his tenacity for positivism admirably:
"Even a blind pig in a blizzard finds an acorn every once in a while."
And: D is someone who "whistles past the graveyard."
(BTW - I found about half of this stuff thanks to Design*Sponge)
hey thanks for showing off some of my work! just found your blog, have to check it out.
Thank you very much. You know me well. Besos, D
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