(I lovelovelove the Fall Prada collection! Eeeee!)
buy me some luscious tiled tubs from Sicis (is it weird that I love these tiled bathtubs so much?),

and buy me a supermodel best friend who strikes me as cocaine anthropomorphized: Omahyra Mota. Here she is as I first saw her. When I saw the gladiator sandals and the baseball cap I knew it was meant to be, no matter how dangerous and insane she is.

Further research yielded these results:

This post is all about luxury, and not surprisingly my euro-dough has been spent mostly in Italy. (Except - I picked up my BFF in Paris via the Sartorialist.) In conclusion, I swear, if the price of those yummy shoes dips a cent below $500, I will all over them like tattoos on a sailor.
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