Be still, my heart. Isn't this the most crazy fantastic awesomeness you've ever seen?!? Like those prada shoes I blobbed about - only clothes!
I have to change topics or I may asphyxiate: The Wedding.
Update: D and I have commenced correspondence with our "liason" at Ghost Ranch. While I am home I will go meet with her. Eeeee. Also: I is needing a photographer, but if I were to go bridezilla on any aspect of the wedding, it would be here. Does anyone have any recommendations on NM photographers? I should say, I don't want the standard wedding photos, oh no. That would be too easy for everyone involved. I want interesting gorgeous photos, with a whole variety of lighting and techniques, and I am a huge fan of the soft focus and backlit and "artistic". I know - very soon I will do a leetle wedding post about Ghost Ranch for those of you who have had the misfortune of never going to the most beautiful place on Earth and also a sample of the types of photographs I like from other weddings. I see you people deleting me from your blogrolls. Come, come, now, it will only be one post. Let's not be too hasty - you know you want to see Ghost Ranch. ;)
1 comment:
I met one of these people this weekend. I hear they're expensive... but is this what you're looking for?
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