My dad sent me some amazing flowering tea. Look what it does. It's really yummy too. It comes from Primula Tea. So beautiful and fun. Order yourself some, it's totally worth it. It's like those little dinosaurs that grew into huge dinosaurs when you put them in water that you got at the science museum gift shop. If you love tea, then this is the jackpot.

Thanks, Tata! I LOVE it!
It looks amazing! And beautiful! But I would be a bit afraid of drinking it - what if it has all kinds of weird chemicals in it? Or maybe I am just a real old scaredy cat ...
it's just tea leaves and petals stitched together...same stuff as normal tea. :)
isn't flowering tea fun? i was experimenting with a bunch of different types a few weeks ago. Numi also sells some unusual varities of it.
I am always last in the line. It is so because I am only 4.8". The flowering tea was from mummy too, but daddy forgot to mention it. Partially kidding. I like your photographs and I am glad, that you own a clear glass pot.Chemicals also crossed my mind. Those colors maybe a little to bright?
The amount of effort that goes into crafting these "flowering teas" must be tremendous. And while I drink herbal & green teas, my current favorite is Barry's Irish Breakfast Tea, a black tea. Brewed just right in my Polish tea pot.
I tried the Primula Flowering Tea and they are very good. I also found another Flowering Tea site that I linked and they have a great selection of Artisan Blooming Teas
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