Today we have three things to cover. First of all: Lists. I love em. And I have two very special lists to feature today.
But even more first: Remember when I blogged about Bless? Well, American Rag Cie in San Francisco has a really cool romper outfit and more by them on display and for sale for only $3,000. Go check it.
Next: Galliano.

Okay. The lists. Peacock Chic has alerted me to a list the magnitude of which scares even me, a compulsive list maker. 101 in 1001 is a project wherein you set yourself 101 goals to reach in 1001 days. If you decide to do it, you get your own little interweb space where you can share your list and recieve comments and so forth. It's too scary for me. I like smaller bite size lists myself.
Here is one list which has really stuck with me and comes with a very inspiring post as well which you can read (and really should - all the charm of the list is in the accompanying post) here. It is the list that started a business. I found it on design sponge and the business is kenzie kate.

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