those of you who are saying, you're
already grown up...hush up. if forty is the new twenty, then i was indeed born just yesterday. googooga.
the last time i was this excited about a discovery was I think when i blobbed about
j morgan puett.
today, the cause of all the hoopfafa is
I worship everything about this label from their ADORABLE logo:

to their wise and poetic design concept:
"Matohu is a Japanese concept. It has two meanings:
The first meaning is to wear clothes in such a way that it creates an atmosphere of beauty, like the motion of wrapping your body softly, and leaving a gentle afterglow.
The second gives the sense of restraint, allowing oneself to mature, like a fruit, slowly, and not to consume something hastily and throw it away." Um, wow.
to the way they use traditional japanese artforms as their inspiration for each collection:
iht writes this about their most recent collection: "This time the pair took their textile motifs from Tsujigahana, a traditional style of decoration that is so fragile, intricate and complicated that only a few artisans in Kyoto carry on the tradition. Sekiguchi and Horihata went to one of these artisans to learn the craft and the textiles used in the show are their creations."

This is how the fall 08 inspiration is described: "Keicho-Kosode is a style of Kimono which was popular in the Keicho period in Japan. It is distinguished by how it combines three types of art forms tie-dye printing of abstract and concrete motifs, shiny gold foil, and vivid embroidery."

And spring 08: ""Shino" is the name of a style of pottery known by its unique, original sense of beauty typical of late 16th century in Japan. The surface of the pottery is distinguished by an ivory and blue-grey glaze with brush work strokes of rusted iron , elegant distortion and a colour that hints at the green tea which is its perfect complement.
matohu has sought to re-enact these elements in its new collections. Some of our nagagi-dresses were actually drawn by using real iron rust prints."