I (and Dylan) am starting this blog so that my family and friends can know what I' m doing because I am really bad about keeping in touch. I will try to post at least once a week. Today: yesterday I went and had a meeting at FIDM (Fashion Insitute of Design and Merchandising) because I am still trying to figure out what I want to go back to school for. I feel less sure about architecture now and am thinking I might do a two year degree in fashion design. My ideal job would be to own my own boutique, design my own clothes and jewelry, and write on a free-lance basis for a magazine or two. The skills I would learn would make me marketable for other fun jobs as well, such as arranging the "look" of certain stores (Anthro) or businesses (Google- see below for some pictures of their offices) And contract for Anthropologie! Tonight I have another meeting, this time at the Art Insitute.
On another note, this woman is one of my new heroes: Natalie Chanin, who makes beautiful clothes out of old t-shirts using reverse applique. She does it all in the South, sustainably, by hand. Click
here to check out her website: Alabama Chanin.
Here are pictures of the Google office:

Dear Leu,
I send one comment but I dont know if it worked. Just wanted to wish you best of luck!
Mamunia Elzbieta
Dear Leu. Your blog is very refreshing. I have never heart about Alabama creations and thanks to you now I know. They connect with your earlier art pieces out of fabric, ribbons, embroidery (snail, owl).How elaborate! I am sure Alabama has some help.The appliqué book looked interesting.
Love, mamunia Elzbieta
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